
Napoleon Society and Dublin’s Festival of History

We are delighted to announce that the 2014 Dublin Festival of History will include a lunch time presentation by Dr. Sylvie Kleinman at Dublin City Hall on Monday the 29th of September at 1.10pm.

Dr. Kleinman’s presentation will focus on the strategic alliance and contacts between France and the Society of United Irismen circa 1796 – 1804, the legacy of that period and how it inspired the 1916 Easter Rising.

Further information will be available on this website and on the Dublin City Council website in due course. A brochure with full details of the Festival of History will be available soon.

Membership Growing Steadily

As President of the NSI, I am delighted to report four new members of the society in recent weeks and increased interest in the group and a growing number of visitors to our website.

Having attended the French National Day celebrations at the French Ambassador’s residence on Monday the 14th of July, I am encouraged by the growing support for the Napoleon Society of Ireland and for our preparations towards the International Napoleonic Congress to be held in Dublin in 2016.

Senator Norris has life saving liver transplant operation

The board and members of the Napoleon Society of Ireland send their prayers, thoughts and best wishes to our Patron, Senator David Norris who is recovering from surgery having had a life saving liver transplant operation earlier today.

David was diagnosed with a life threatening tumour on his liver last year and we are delighted at the news of this potentially life saving operation.

We can also reveal that David was recently chosen by the majority of our members to receive the 2014 Humanitarian Award presented by the Napoleon Society of Ireland to an individual who has worked tirelessly for humanitarian issues in an Irish context.

David was informed only yesterday of the decision of the members and sent a message of acceptance via his secretary Miriam.

On behalf of the Napoleon Society of Ireland I have sent our very best wishes for a speady recovery in the hope that David will be able to accept his award in person at a ceremony at Pearse Street Library in Dublin on Saturday June the 28th. More details will be announced soon.

Derek Byrne,


Napoleon Society of Ireland.

Marking 100 years since the outbreak of World War I

The Napoleon Society of Ireland will host an event on Saturday the 28th of June at the Pearse Street Library in Dublin 2 at 3pm to mark 100 years since the assasination of Arch Duke Ferdinand and his wife which was the catalyst for the outbreak of World War I.

The event will include presentations from well known historians and will focus on The Futility of War.

This years presentation of the newly named 1803 Medal for Humanitarianism will also take place on the 28th of June. Details of the recipient will be posted very soon.

We may also be honoured by the presence of J. David Markham, President of the International Napolonic Society who has expressed a wish to attend the event. Details will be posted as soon as they are available.

If anyone has any queries, please feel free to contact me at

Derek Byrne,


Napoleon Society of Ireland.

Beannactai le Feile Padraig

La Feile Padraig Sona Duit,

A very happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all our friends at home and around the world.

From all at the Napoleon Society of Ireland.


Derek Byrne.

Napoleon Society AGM

The 2014 AGM of the Napoleon Society of Ireland will take place at 3pm on Saturday the 8th of March in the cafe of the National Library of Ireland.

This meeting is open to members only and anyone wishing to attend should contact Derek Byrne at before noon on Friday the 7th of March.

Itmes to be discussed include;

Proposed activites for 2014

The 2014 Humanitarian Award

The 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo (2015)

Plans for the International Napoleonic Congress in Dublin in 2016.

Kells Hosts Wellington Conference

A two day conference titled “The Irishness of the Hon. Arthur Wesley 1st Duke of Wellington” concludes today at the Kells Theatre in Kells County Meath.

The two day conference was a collaboration between the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, TCD and Kells District Tourism Forum.

For those who are interested there is still time to attend a lecture on Napoleon as a Corsican which starts at 2.30pm today, Saturday the 5th of October.

The Napoleon Society of Ireland are delighted to see that there will be a discussion in the afternoon focusing on future research and lectures on Wellington and no doubt, on the connections between Ireland and Napoleon himself.

For further information go to

August 15th Napoleon’s Birthday

The Napoleon Society of Ireland mark the birth of Napoleon Bonaparte by drawing attention to the principles of liberty and equality for all people.

In our modern world it is all too easy to be caught up in problems of economic hardship and strife, especially in these testing times.

The United Irishmen were inspired by the principles of religious freedom espoused by the early days of the French revolution and were motivated by the role France had played in the American war of independence.

Today, we remember those around the world, especially in Egypt, who strive for their freedom, equality and rightful place in the world.

Derek Byrne,


Napoleon Society of Ireland.

Rehabilitating Wolfe Tone on the 20th of June!

The Napoleon Society of Ireland will mark the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo with a celebration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Wolfe Tone.

This celebration will take the form of a debate entitled “Rehabilitating the legacy of Wolfe Tone in the buildl up to 2016″ and will take place at the Pearse Street Library, Dublin 2 at 6.30pm. Entrance is free.

The debate will be chaired by Tommy Graham, Editor of History Ireland and will include presentations by Dr. Sylvie Kleinman of TCD and Aengus O’Snodaigh TD of Sinn Fein.

Questions, comment and debate will be invited from the audience following the presentations.

Should you require futher information, please contact me at

We look forward to seeing you on the 20th of June.

Derek Byrne.

Wolfe Tone’s 250th Anniversary Debate


The Napoleon Society are delighted to announce a debate at the Pearse Street Library on Thursday the 20th of June at 6.30 to mark the 250th anniversary of the birth of Wolfe Tone.

This date also marks the 198th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo so it is a double celebration for the society.

The event is free and more details will be posted in the coming weeks.

We would ask that anyone wishing to attend the event would contact so that we can get an idea of numbers to accomodate.

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