International Napoleonic Congress goes online for 2021

The Napoleonic Historical Society
Are Proud to Announce a
Virtual Joint International Napoleonic Congress
13-15 August 2021
Additional Dates to be Added as Required

Join Fellows and Members of both great Napoleonic historical organizations for what promises to be a fantastic opportunity to hear distinguished speakers from around the world, all in the safety and comfort of your own home!

Call For Papers

We invite you to submit a proposal for a paper that you would like to submit. Talks are generally limited to 20 minutes. While the conference has a theme, we will consider papers on any Napoleonic or French Revolutionary topic. Please submit your proposals via email to:
The deadline for submission is 16 July 2021.

We already have a very distinguished group of presenters lined up. Headliners include:

Rafe Blaufarb, Director of the Institute on Napoleon and the French Revolution at Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA

Peter Hicks, Manager of International Affairs, Fondation Napoléon, Paris, France

Margaret Rodenberg, Author of the best-selling novel, Finding Napoleon; A Novel, and Secretary of the NHS, Reston, VA, USA

Alexander Mikaberidze, author of The Napoleonic Wars: A Global History. Professor of History and Curator, the James Smith Noel Collection, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, LA, USA
Since the basic theme of this congress relates to the bicentennial of Napoleon’s death, on August 15th we will have two very special presentations related to Napoleon’s time on St Helena, his death, and his legend/legacy.

Luke Dalla Bona, is a Canadian archaeologist who has a long association with the Muséo Napoleonico in Havana, Cuba, and is producing a magnificent catalogue of its collection. He will show and discuss items from that museum that were with Napoleon during his exile on St Helena. Luke lives and does archaeological work in Puerto López, Ecuador.

J. David Markham, President of the INS who has organized two Napoleonic conferences at the museum in Havana and has written a forward for Luke’s book, is also known for his very large collection, The David Markham Collection, which has been featured in several museum exhibitions. David will show and discuss items from his collection that reflect what people of the time had to remind them of Napoleon’s fate and legend.
We are pleased to have an all-star lineup to further enhance the program. We are very happy to have accepted excellent paper proposals from Derek Byrne of Ireland, Glenda Pérez of Spain, Jonas De Neef, Alasdair White and Bill Chew of Belgium, Matej Čapo of Slovakia, Allon Klebanoff of Israel and Wayne Hanley and Mike DeFeudis of the USA.

We would love to add your name to this list!

J. David Markham
President, International Napoleonic Society

Edna Markham
President, Napoleonic Historical Society

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